Smarter Spending, Better Savings

Connect your bank account to anticipate upcoming purchases and bills.And unlock tailored discounts and exclusive offers just for you.

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Without AccountOfficer With AccountOfficer
Key Features

Explore What AccountOfficer Can Do.

AccountOfficer's advanced analytics tools facilitate the connection of bank accounts, providing predictive insights into future purchases and expenses, alongside personalized messages and effortless queries.


Advanced Analytics

Query your bank transactions in English.



Connect your bank account smoothly and ensure seamless data analysis.



Automatically receive contextual messaging based on your transaction activity.



Get instant updates and insights into your bank transactions.

Trying to stay on top of your banking transactions?

No Data Skills? No Problem

Example Queries You Can Run on AccountOfficer

"List all payments to Starbucks in the last six months."

"How much did I spend on groceries last year?"

"What is my current balance in my checking account?"

"Show me all transactions greater than $100 last month."

Query and results

Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What is AccountOfficer?
AccountOfficer simplifies bank transaction analysis and enables automated emails without SQL skills.
How does AccountOfficer work?
AccountOfficer connects to your bank account, simplifying transactions and aiding smarter decisions.
Do I need SQL knowledge to use AccountOfficer?
No SQL required! AccountOfficer lets anyone check transaction data by asking questions in plain English.
Can I customize and automate email communications with AccountOfficer?
Yes, you will get automated personalized emails based on your transaction patterns.
Is my data secure with AccountOfficer?
AccountOfficer ensures bank data security with strong encryption and adheres to top privacy standards.
How can AccountOfficer benefit my business?
AccountOfficer helps you understand your transaction data to spot trends and opportunities.

Credits Calculator

Adjust the number of credits to see the total cost.

0 50000
$0 / 0 Credits

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Free to try. No credit card required


Get started with $5 in free trial credits.


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Make Sense of Your Bank Transactions
with AccountOfficer

Unlock the power of plain English queries and simplify your bank transactions and revenue analysis. Understand your money flows.